Фото пользователя The Expat Salon

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07 03 2016


О компании

Экспат салон основан в апреле 2004 года. Созданный по западным стандартам, он ориентирован на обслуживание иностранцев, проживающих и работающих в Москве. Всё в салоне — от дружелюбной атмосферы и звуков родной речи до косметических брендов (Велла, Себастиан, Давинес, Пол Митчел, опи, креатив, Пайо, Demaquest, Intraceuticals, HydropPeptide) понятно и знакомо.

Но больше всего мы гордимся профессионализмом наших мастеров, их внимательным и заботливым отношением к клиентам. Наш салон знают и ценят не только те, кто принадлежит экспат-сообществу, но и московские ценители международного уровня обслуживания.

Приходите, двери нашего салона открыты для вас!

Наши услуги

  • Парикмахерский зал
  • Маникюрный зал
  • Косметология
  • Массаж
  • Макияж

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    Ksenia, Moscow Rentals Founder , 07 Март 2016, 22:16

    Ksenia, Moscow Rentals Founder
    Скорость в работе:
    Знание английского:
    Hi there! This is Ksenia from Moscow Rentals. I have visited the Expat Salon today and would like to share my opinion with everyone.

    I found the place rather fast, it is very close to the metro station. Be aware that the door to the salon is in the yard of the building. You need to walk down the building from the side of the pond and notice a black gate to the yard, there is an intercom button with The Expat Salon name, just press it and you will be let in, the door is right next to the gate.

    I think it is better to come here by metro or taxi as you may experience some difficulty in finding a parking place close to the salon. What is really great is that the salon is right in front of Patriarshi ponds and you can take a nice walk there before or after you are done with the salon :-)

    The salon is not big and well equipped. The atmosphere is relaxing, people are friendly and you feel at home there. You will be offered some coffee or tea. I had coffee and it was very good :-)

    I've had my hair cut there by Victoria. She was very friendly and professional. Gave me professional advice, made some proactive recommendations about how I should treat my hair and did her job fast and well. I was very happy with my new hairstyle :-) Victoria has a good taste and a feeling of what the client will like I think. Or it might be also the right choice of the professional for a client by the administrator.

    While I was in the salon I've seen several expats who came to get the service there. I could understand it was not their first visit as I could see they were in a very friendly relationships with the administrators. Administrators speak good English and are very nice to everyone.

    The prices are transparent and you can see them on the salon's website. You will get 15% discount at your first visit :-) Before you pay, they open your client card in their database so that they and you know what you did with what professional, etc. - very convenient.

    I recommend this place to all expats. You will get a democratic approach and atmosphere there, good coffee, smiling faces and great hair cut! ;-)
  • The Expat Salon ,
