Special offer for Moscow property owners

Add your rental ad to our website and get a gift or a life-time discount for the services from Moscow Rentals!
Terms of the offer for the property owners who cooperate with Moscow Rentals for finding a tenant for their apartments for free:
- If you add your rental ad to our website yourself, you will get any gift within 4000 rubles budget when signing the first Tenancy contract through Moscow Rentals agency.
- If you add your rental ad to our website with the help of our specialists, you will get any gift within 2000 rubles budget when signing the first Tenancy contract through Moscow Rentals agency. To get help please call +7 966 380 1075.
Terms of the offer for the property owners who cooperate with Moscow Rentals for finding a tenant for their apartments for agency commission:
- If you add your rental ad to our website yourself, you will get a 20% life-time discount for the service of finding a tenant for you apartment by Moscow Rentals agency.
- If you add your rental ad to our website with the help of our specialists, you will get a 10% life-time discount for the service of finding a tenant for you apartment by Moscow Rentals agency. To get help please call +7 966 380 1075.
Please, note that the benefits are provided only upon your request and within 30 days after a Tenancy contract has been signed.
How to add your rental ad >
Variants of cooperation conditions with Moscow Rentals >
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